words words words .

5:54 PM em 0 Comments

     Like most things and situations and topics and events, I have the unpopular opinion.
I for one, do not care, but with media these days, it is hard to express your opinion without being bashed and shamed for feeling and thinking what one may choose to think. Others seem to push their opinions on you, leaving a distasteful flavor of them on you. 

     A certain issue that seems to be rising is the topic of racial tension and discrimination. It is more than just among the African American culture. It swims through, with and among every race. As another poor minority life is lost, another protest begins, and another shirt is made. Yes, racial tension is real, I am not rejecting the reality of present day discrimination and victimization among others. But all of these "political revolts and uprisings" for ones, or another race seem to have a bandwagon effect. My thought is, if a white male or female were to experience some sort traumatic incident, there would not be shirts, or extreme protest, or slogans. I understand the reasoning behind the protest and shirts and slogans, they are to raise an awareness and give a voice to the voices  that have been taken away. But doesn't it seem like there's a little something wrong when someone voices a different thought towards a given situation?

     This trend of being "political" is dumb. It is dumb in the sense that if you disagree with the majority you are ignorant, and what you have to say does not matter. The entire Internet and all of the extremist jump on your tail, and you probably go home crying with the thought of never voicing your opinions and thoughts again. Or even worse you are claimed to be racist if you do not see the problem the same as the majority. We are actually segregating ourselves by saying "black lives matter", or "Muslim lives matter", or whatever minority or subgroup is attacked or discriminated next.  By leveling and saying which lives matter and which lives do not is and personally I believe is a form of racism to "the white race". In the end by screaming out and yelling whatever minority life that matters, we are saying it to the white race (because arent we mad at them for the abuse they have caused?). Due to the recent incidents, we are screaming these slogans subliminally to the White cops, and authorizes. As an African American women, I am most definitely not ignoring racial prejudices, because I know it is still alive. I believe all lives matter, a life is a life, whether it is black or white or brown.
and that's how I see it.
thank you for listening,
i will not bang your head into 
a wall if you do not agree.


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