kawllege kid .

10:10 PM em 0 Comments

Hello! today's post is inspired by the journey I have taken the past week
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 Like spoken about in a previous blog post, I have officially unofficially started college classes. Although it isn't truly the real deal yet, I realized I had nothing to be afraid of.

Initially, the night before the first day I honestly had no idea what to expect, I wasn't nervous or anxious about starting, in fact I was rather excited. I had some sort of fear I couldn't quite put my finger on, I think it had more to do with being in a room of brand new faces. In grade school we are used to being  around the same damn faces and people daily, not really being challenged to step out on our own and come across new people and new surroundings. I was worried i'd mess up before being even able to start. Worried about what was unknown was keeping me from myself,and greater opportunities.

On the first day, I had no idea where my class was, where to park, where to pay for parking and was worried about being late. Luckily, I didn't have to do this all on my own, I had my buddy Erick with me who came along for the ride and kept me cool headed , i also found  some friendly workers on the campus to help me figure out the parking and class situation location. I got to check those two things that kept me worried off my list of things I  was worried about,

my teacher is the cutest little Asian man who does a good job of helpings us out, making us laugh, and letting us leave early. On top of this whole new experience, he helped make easing into it a lot more simple. I am grateful for my experience and happy I wasn't totally alone. I  am looking forward to what more is to come.

what i have gained from just this one week is,

  • helps from others is totally and complete vital and important, you need more than nust yourself
  • don't stop yourself from being a better you (how cliche)
  • worrying makes your skin wrinkle and lose its glow

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this post is for those who are entering something totally brand new for the first time. It is okay to be afraid and nervous of where you may go next, but don't let it hold you back for  whats in store.
 Take a breath and relax, every one else is just as lost and confused as you.
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 All there is left is my orientation date, then I'm off to the big leagues.
         keep me (and my financial aid issues) all in your best wishes 
                                                                     as always thank you for listening, 

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