Cherish It .

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     Today's post is inspired by friends. I am  learning the significance of friendship, I do believe that there are different levels of friendship. The concept of friendship,  I  am also learning, is a different interpretation from anothers perspective. Overall, we find companionship to fill the void of loneliness, and maybe to make us laugh a little. All these cheesy sayings are leading up to something, I promise.
     I am trying this new thing this year where I cherish the moments I am in, live in the current second, appreciate the smallest gestures, and give over flowing love.(you can say this is my new years resolution, yes, but more so a "life goal") I am a firm believer that their is "good" in every person, but a "good" friend(s) is rare. So with all this said, this blog post is dedicated to my friends, for being true diamonds and not cubic zirconias!

Thank you for all the times you've made me laugh, and telling me I was wrong when i really just wanted to be right.


my boys,i am extremely thankful + blessed to have them in my life, they make me laugh, OH MAN do they make me laugh. Their kind hearts are all i can ask for.

{Havasu Crew}, These people have known me for about 5 years. They keep me rooted and grounded as well as accountable. Their love(s) are like an ocean. Now that i have moved i have learned the value of their friendship and seeing them when i can is greater than a pleasure.




My best(est) gal pal, little miss Emily. This is probably the greatest person on the planet, actually i'm pretty sure of it. I can honestly go on forever about how loving, compassionate, pure, FUNNY, open-minded, and all of the rest of the worlds good adjectives to describe a person are about her. This girl has been the truest friend and I am honestly not good enough to be her friend, she keeps me level and I can rely on her for anything, I know she wont steer me the wrong way, and as I am typing this tears are forming because I know people this sweet don't exist and i am not sure how I, MYSELF, managed to stumble upon this rarest form of a person.

if you have made it to the end, thank you for letting me pour out a bit of myself while being extremely cheesy.
xoxo .

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