as a child I think I was well aware of who I wanted to be.I am realizing, as I get older, I am steering back to the things I loved doing as a child. As a kid you do as you're told, but through it all you find out what is best for you. As I get older I am learning that I can not do things like the rest, what I mean by this is, when I try to do things as they are meant to be done, I do not feel right, it inst me. But when I do a task and add a little me to it, well, it works out so much better.
As a child I loved performing and the arts. Even through it all, I (still) admire and LOVE the creative process. I cry when I watch the Theatre or the ballet, I get chills that rush through my body that can only be explained with great love. Unfortunately, as I rolled into middle school, it just wasn't as cool and the opportunities weren't as present, so I lost the desire in the things I enjoyed and also with the fear of what others thought. During that I let others inflict my actions and passions. Now, I am so happy I can careless about what others think, it is soo so liberating! What I am trying to say is, sometimes the person you were as a child is really the person you have been all along, it is the person that has been lost. I luckily have found my inner child again and am very content.
to sum up this, I have been flamboyant since I began crowing from he womb, I am happy I have come back to what makes me the happiest,and I am happy I have not let my inner child die.
Have a little piece of child(inthe)hood me,