
7:52 PM em 0 Comments

as a child I  think I was well aware of who I wanted to be.

I am realizing, as I get older, I am steering back to the things I loved doing as a child. As a kid you do as you're told, but through it all you find out what is best for you. As I get older I am learning that I can not do things like the rest, what I  mean by this is, when I try to do things as they are meant to be done, I do not feel right, it inst me. But when I do a task and add a little me to it, well, it works out so much better.
As a child I loved performing and the arts. Even through it all, I (still) admire and LOVE the creative process. I cry when I watch the Theatre or the ballet, I get chills that rush through my body that can only be explained with great love. Unfortunately, as I rolled into middle school, it just wasn't as cool and the opportunities weren't as present, so I lost the desire in the things I enjoyed and also with the fear of what others thought. During that I let others inflict my actions and passions. Now, I am so happy I can careless about what others think, it is soo so liberating! What I am trying to say is, sometimes the person you were as a child is really the person you have been all along, it is the person that has been lost. I luckily have found my inner child again and am very content.

to sum up this, I have been flamboyant since I began crowing from he womb, I am happy I have come back to what makes me the happiest,and I am happy I have not let my inner child die.

Have a little piece of child(inthe)hood me,

 There is power in looking silly and not caring that you do.
-Amy Poehler.

Thank you!


its the start of starting something

9:06 PM em 0 Comments

I couldn't start this entry without a High School Musical pun relating the blog title and this song so...

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Starting anything is what makes task, projects, obligations, an even life seem difficult. I have recently come to this realization, as I try to accomplish homework, or read my devos or other task. Its the getting up and making yourself do something that is hard. Haven't you ever noticed that starting essays or starting a book is typically the thing you tend to dread, but, once you pick up a pen, start typing, or finally open that book, you start to get into the grove that you can not stop. I believe that starting is the hardest, and that the task itself isn't the problem. 

I have a family member who suffers from depression. Sometimes I go over and sit and lay and talk to her. She tells me sad things, like how she cant get up and how simple ordinary life task are so hard to do. I understand, its difficult, especially when you just are really going through something. I listen to her, and tell her that you'll one day be able to get up and do what you enjoy, I tell her to take small steps and not to be afraid of what is ahead. I also tell her its the start of something that keeps you down, I tell her to give herself a chance. I honestly thought of this blog post because of my aunt. 

Once you are capable of realizing that you stand in the way of continuing something and getting in your grove, then things will seem clear, and easier, you'll wonder why you hadn't started sooner!
From The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Kimmy tells the characters that the first 10 seconds are  always the hardest, If you can get past the first 10 seconds then you can get through anything.

So here's a solid reminder as you enter this week. 
1. don't dread starting something, the starting is the challenging part
2. if you can endure the first 10 seconds you can accomplish the remaining.

it is not easy to start, but it is easy to continue.



its okay to look ugly .

7:12 PM em 0 Comments

Manic Monday

Towards the end of January I made one of my resolutions to try and be body positive, today's blog post is inspired by that.

     With the rise of technology and well, the increase in peoples constant need to look "pretty" seems to be getting out of hand. I personally believe everyone needs to chill, its okay if your nose is too big or you smear your perfect cat-eyed eyeliner. I for one have a huge nose and have smeared my PERFECT winged eye so many times, so I've been there, I get it. A lot of these "ugly features" have kept me in the mirror worrying and crying about the way I look. I know its difficult to to believe that your insecurities are nice, but believe me you're fine.

   Self image and body image are constantly changing. What is deemed as beautiful now probably wont be in the next 10 years. ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIE LINES is from the 1968 film Funny Girl, where Fanny Brice (played by the lovely Barbra Streisand) says,"You think beautiful girls are going to stay in style forever? I should say not! Any minute now they're going to be out! Finished! Then it'll be my turn!". I love that because beauty image is constantly changing, so to chase a train that'll never stop and wait for you to board is pointless. Trying to keep up with whatever whomever says is beautiful next will only make you crazy. Stop listening to the "THEYS" of the world, theses "theys" seem to be stirring up conflict in everyone's life.

Do not tell me, "they said I should wear this, or they said I should look like that". I am telling you that you do not have to, I AM NOT A "THEY".

I'm not saying staying body positive is simple because its difficult, there's always going to be an awful voice in the back of your mind telling you nasty cruel things, keeping negative thoughts cycling through your brain. That evil voice is always louder than the subtle voice that's trying to scream all the splendid facts about you. Stop wishing for things you can't have, when you are the best you there will ever be.

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. . .

Finally, its okay to "look ugly" or silly, because as my fav gal pal AMY POEHLER says, "there's power in looking silly". Stop holding back because you are afraid of how you may look. Its okay to run down the street and your skirts flies up in the wind a little, its okay to have lipstick smudged on your teeth and only realize after the day is over, and it is okay to make stupid jokes, sing extremely out of pitch and UGLY LAUGH. Wow if you're holding back a good hardy laugh because there's a girl or guy you want to impress and you cant deal with looking ugly then I feel so bad for you. Because honestly there is true beauty when you are comfortable with yourself, there is true beauty in laughter.

To sum everything up. Be content with you and let yourself ugly laugh every day

being "ugly" gives you more leg room to be funny and silly, it takes off so much pressure. So try being ugly for once and feel the breeze between your toes.

Thank you


for the literate .

8:37 PM em 0 Comments

Happy Sunday.

This is so great. Sometimes I think as people we crave companionship and are discontent with our own company. We all seem to agree that loneliness sucks, but I believe  there is a beauty in  own loneliness that no one will ever understand. No one understands you better than yourselves, don't try and find someone to understand you when you already get where you're coming from. I think this entry is so great it hits a lot of things we as people can mutually relate to but are too afraid to admit because we desire some sort of companionship rather than our own loneliness.
People tend to deem loneliness as a bad thing. I enjoy being alone, but I am not fond of being lonely.
Do not be desperate to fill a void that is unfill- able


the things around .

7:41 PM em 0 Comments

This post may seem a little word-y, I tried condensing my thoughts, any who, I hope you stick all the way through.

Today's post is about the smaller things. This morning I had somewhat of a revelation. I sometimes just sit and think and then one thought leads to another, and somehow, it always ends up in a "woe is me"state of mind. I literally (well, not literally) slapped myself in the face to get myself out of this trans. I just thought of all the terrible things happening. Things like ISIS and innocent people being killed and families who have no palace to live. How awful am I to complain about my life when it could be so much worse?

Now, I understand that things happen, and I am not saying that just because I may have a steady meal and a warm home that I have no right to be sad and cry. I (and we) have the same right to be upset and cry about our situations. What I'm just trying to put across I guess is that when you feel that way, when life really kicks you, to just remember the good things that are happening and be grateful, be so so grateful, because you can be without so much more. Don't let the problems fool you, you are alive and AREN'T fighting a war or disease or total chaos in your life, you have the ability to move and breath on your own. Don't take the small things for granted it's SSSOOO easy to forget we are blessed

Finally, I also believe we sometimes forget of all the tragic events around the world when it doesn't apply to us. It honestly breaks my heart so incredibly much that things happen to others that we cant stop. I try to remind myself when I'm in a bad mood and  respond to someone crappy, I ask myself,  am I adding to something they are already going through? We are around so many people daily, and aren't even aware of half of the battle they may dealing with.When that small voice in your head tells you things that make you sad or the arguments or events in your life make your life seem dark, when that happens think of the good things that ARE happening to you. You'll be okay I promise, I promise
to sum everything up, its okay to be sad, don't dwell on it though. Appreciate what you have, put others in consideration, you aren't the only one having a bad day.
The grass isn't always greener, as they say. But rather, appreciate that you even have grass at all

if you stuck around all the way to the end, thank you.
xoxo .