vocal . expression
VIDEO (killed the radio star) EXCERPT
A video shared to me by a friend recently has really been on my mind. With all of these horrible issues we see in the media today, this particular video seems to highlight them. We all know there is a form of corruption, but we seem to ignore it if it isn't happening to us. Literacy, the right to vocalize our opinions, and equality is being subliminally oppressed. We are battling within ourselves as well as with each other. Someone is wrong if they do not agree with YOUR opinion, all of this is only hurting the bigger picture.
We say we are open to different life styles, but yet, when it is at our door step we banish it, and treat it like it does not matter. There is a battle of being "too ethic' or "not ethnic enough' or vocalizing what you may or may not agree with. The problem isn't the issue because we are the issue. Now, i'm not calling for world peace, because that I know is extremity unrealistic. But, we can start putting things into action and making our words count. Life teaches lessons, so lets learn from them. The saying "History repeats itself" is totally true, do not repeat, rather create. Educate yourself on more lessons than one, and do not let yourself be silenced.
I really you all enjoy this video .
xoxo .