an ode to mi madre .

7:56 PM em 0 Comments

my mother is an incredible lady. She is an underdog who takes so so much from so many people. I know everyone thinks their mothers are the greatest but MY MOM is the greatest. I could try to write a semi decent ode to describe this incredible women, but I won't ill just tell you.

   She is creative in so many ways that I can not explain. I admire her creativity. Her hands hold such magic, her creative insight, I believe is very unique. She spends hour and hours outside in her garden (which is extremely beautiful) and can literally create nothing into something well worth it. She holds a magic touch that is indescribable. She places such detail into whatever she gets her hands on and creates and makes it so beautifully.
For a long time it has just been to two of us. Things do get hard and times get dark, but she remains faithful and strong and NEVER lets her problems stand in the way when someone else is down and out. My mother is the most selfless human I know, I can only wish to be like her. Her heart is ALWAYS in the right place and is always focused on making someone else's life better.
     My mothers love is like an ocean, OVERWHELMING, SALTY, and COLD. But, just like the ocean, there are those warms spots that consume your body and make you feel content, just like the ocean there is and always will be enough, and just like an ocean it is never ending. My mom is incredibly funny, and incredibly wise, she is understanding, she is reliable, she is compassionate, and most of all she is loving.
 my mother is timeless, creative, and beautiful. I do not deserve such an amazing lady for a mother, but I've got her and I am thankful


To the most important lady ever to live, ever! 


real inspirational folk

7:28 PM em 0 Comments

Welcome back once again, today's post is  inspired by people who inspire.
I realize that I rant and rave about people who inspire me constantly, but I never quite vocalize the people who inspire me in my everyday life. The next few people below inspire me in ways I can not fully express in words well enough, but can I only give sincere gratitude in hopes that they understand they have inspired me for the better.

Ms Thomas: She is simply amazing. I can not even thank her enough without sounding like some crazy obsessed student. Ms. Thomas inspires me to just be the best me, and to give the world the best that I have to offer as myself. Not only has she been my English teacher but my theatre teacher  + adviser as well. She is the sweetest and most dedicated teacher on our campus whether people decide to see it or not and she truly cares, if I could say I loved any teacher it would defiantly be Ms. sweet ol' Thomas. I could say so so much more but cant find the words to truly express how much I care and am thankful for her. Its important to have real people in your life, I hope to keep her in mine for many years to come.

Mr Ochoa: This is probably one of the most hardworking teachers ever, everything Mr. Ochoa does is real quality work.  I've learned so much, much more than just  typical lessons that are required to be taught, I have learned  life lessons as well. I like feeling challenged in all aspects and I get that with old 8A. He inspires me to put my best foot forward (to not be a "shake weight") ALWAYS, and that its never too late to turn yourself around and be somebody, so I thank you!

Andy Garcia: IF you want to meet a truly humble soul, meet Andy. Everything he touches turns into gold. I have recently been able to get closer to Andy this year. It was kind of like meeting a star you've admired and finally meeting or becoming their friend. I have seen him work so very hard over the last two years and now the results are coming in. Someone this humble and sweet AND amazing at everything deserves the world (I would also like to add hes attending UC Berkeley in the fall and I am so so so proud of him!). Ugh I love genuine people and Andy is the most genuine there is.

 Mr Wilson: Mr. Wilson, is the greatest! When I first moved and transferred schools I didn't talk to anyone. Mr Wilson was my 6th period Art 2 teacher (and would later become my yearbook adviser for the following two year) and I would only discuss things towards the end of the day in his class. Ever since then, I have been reminded that I can do more than I think. Days when I feel like a failure, I don't know what it is but Mr. Wilson comes in a says cool things and then tells me I'm ready for college and I'll do fine. Reassurance helps and this teacher has given me a lot over the past two years. Mr Wilson inspires me to be totally bizarre, and creative, and to persevere and I truly truly thank him! Also he gets my jokes but i'm not sure if he laughs because he feels sorry for me HA!

I am thankful for sweet genuine people so much.
 I could honestly write full essays about each
one of these them.



feel .

8:57 PM em 0 Comments

I had a totally different post in mind that I will save for another day because I  stumbled upon this quote below. I love great quotes and this one just hit home so I decided to talk about it!

. . . 

I really liked this because I FOR ONE, do this thing where I am full of emotion and do not think that I express how much I love the people around me, then  I think "I am too emotional" and need to tone it down. But really why? why should  I censor nice things and feeling and loving. I am the most emotional person, I begin to tear up when I talk about my favorite book or TV show. I begin to tear up when I think of a song or when I realize I haven't talked to a friend or family member in a while. I constantly find myself going back and forth from feeling too much and feeling too little. I also find myself pretending to not care, but that just hurts more, I still sometimes do it, and it still just hurts more. I sometimes think I invest my emotions in the wrong people or things. But really, I need to stop feeling that way and accept the fact that I LOVE TOO much, I care way too much and if you're having a rough day and you tell me what happened to you during that day I'll probably start crying before you do. Sometimes I meet strangers and new people and tell them that I care a lot about them, but I don't think they believe me because I am just a person, they just met, why would I love or care for them? I never know how to constantly tell someone I love them without seeming bizarre or whatever. 
I genuinely love and feel and care.

xoxo .


words words words .

5:54 PM em 0 Comments

     Like most things and situations and topics and events, I have the unpopular opinion.
I for one, do not care, but with media these days, it is hard to express your opinion without being bashed and shamed for feeling and thinking what one may choose to think. Others seem to push their opinions on you, leaving a distasteful flavor of them on you. 

     A certain issue that seems to be rising is the topic of racial tension and discrimination. It is more than just among the African American culture. It swims through, with and among every race. As another poor minority life is lost, another protest begins, and another shirt is made. Yes, racial tension is real, I am not rejecting the reality of present day discrimination and victimization among others. But all of these "political revolts and uprisings" for ones, or another race seem to have a bandwagon effect. My thought is, if a white male or female were to experience some sort traumatic incident, there would not be shirts, or extreme protest, or slogans. I understand the reasoning behind the protest and shirts and slogans, they are to raise an awareness and give a voice to the voices  that have been taken away. But doesn't it seem like there's a little something wrong when someone voices a different thought towards a given situation?

     This trend of being "political" is dumb. It is dumb in the sense that if you disagree with the majority you are ignorant, and what you have to say does not matter. The entire Internet and all of the extremist jump on your tail, and you probably go home crying with the thought of never voicing your opinions and thoughts again. Or even worse you are claimed to be racist if you do not see the problem the same as the majority. We are actually segregating ourselves by saying "black lives matter", or "Muslim lives matter", or whatever minority or subgroup is attacked or discriminated next.  By leveling and saying which lives matter and which lives do not is and personally I believe is a form of racism to "the white race". In the end by screaming out and yelling whatever minority life that matters, we are saying it to the white race (because arent we mad at them for the abuse they have caused?). Due to the recent incidents, we are screaming these slogans subliminally to the White cops, and authorizes. As an African American women, I am most definitely not ignoring racial prejudices, because I know it is still alive. I believe all lives matter, a life is a life, whether it is black or white or brown.
and that's how I see it.
thank you for listening,
i will not bang your head into 
a wall if you do not agree.



the start of something new

8:13 PM em 0 Comments

     As I come closer and closer to my 18th birthday I am realizing many things, all of which are scary.
1. that I am actually growing older
2. things are about to change, some for the better, others for the worst
3. c o l l e g e
and the list goes on. But, with all these changes that are to come, I realize disappointment is also a monster I will have to battle. With great change comes turmoil along the way. With rejection letters, and struggling to maintain current grades, while trying to keep up socially, it is all a bit overwhelming. I find myself sliding  into a slump i'm trying to avoid falling into. But, in order to succeed and learn, do I allow myself to fall into this slump? Are we supposed to fall and fail completely to learn and succeed, or can we look and see it in our path and try to avoid it?

     Along with rejection letters, as a literal rejection, life has also give me metaphorical rejections. No one likes to be rejected, so how do we avoid or deal with the pain of rejection and change while still trying to swim above the water? Well, for starters, I have learned holding on to the positive  and surrounding yourself with the good really helps. As life rushes forward, friends come and go, events will happen that I must prepare for. I am trying to also prepare myself for things that may not be. I believe some friendships can remain after high school, I do a pretty good job with keeping up, but I know that sometimes, people just drift. The people I have surrounded myself with have such golden souls, that the thought of losing contact with them actually hurts. They have become some sort of weird family I have gathered along the way.

     As time changes things, I am trying to grasp the idea of loss, gain, rejection, pain, + the newness life will bring me. Most of all I do not want life to change me, I am content with my morals and heart, I do not want this world to turn me bitter. As all of these thoughts (and then some) rush through my mind daily, I know that I have a greater calling and wont let the darker things of life darken my bright spirit.


thank you .
xoxo .


my different selves + Frida .

9:58 PM em 0 Comments

first of all, Happy Wednesday, we're already half way through the week.
     A quote by Frida Kahlo, which I adore and connect with is the following,
"I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but then I thought there are so many people in the world, there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do. I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too. Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you."

 I'd like to think that Frida was talking to me, and in that I do not feel as strange. I'm not sure if its just me, but sometimes I just watch people, I watch how they interact, and love, and communicate, and sometimes I  feel as though I can not relate. I sometimes feel my views on life and experiences differ. without getting all deep and too personal,  I have different selves, I mold and shape, I am one with myself, but I have different selves. I am aware this may sound strange, let me continue to elaborate. I am loud, I am quite, I am shy, I am curious, I am rude, I am kind, I am passionate, the list goes on. This Frida saying is honestly one of my favorites, it makes me feel like my thoughts arent totally bizarre.

so, thank you Frida.


I am learning to accept me as me and stop comparing myself to the things that I simply will never be.
My hideous laugh,
the way I cry over things I am passionate about,
the things I find funny
my big nose,
my fat lips,
my hips,
the way I feel
the way I think,
are all things im learning to accept.



vocal . expression

8:09 PM em 0 Comments

VIDEO  (killed the radio star)  EXCERPT

    A video shared to me by a friend recently has really been on my mind. With all of these horrible issues we see in the media today, this particular video seems to highlight them. We all know there is a form of corruption, but we seem to ignore it if it isn't happening to us. Literacy, the right to vocalize our opinions, and equality is being subliminally oppressed. We are battling within ourselves as well as with each other. Someone is wrong if they do not agree with YOUR opinion,  all of this is only hurting the bigger picture.
     We say we are open to different life styles, but yet, when it is at our door step we banish it, and treat it like it does not matter. There is a battle of being "too ethic' or "not ethnic enough'  or vocalizing what you may or may not agree with. The problem isn't the issue because we are the issue. Now, i'm not calling for world peace, because that I know is extremity unrealistic. But, we can start putting things into action and making our words count. Life teaches lessons, so lets learn from them. The saying "History repeats itself" is totally true, do not repeat, rather create. Educate yourself on more lessons than one, and do not let yourself be silenced.

I really you all  enjoy this video .

xoxo .


MANIC monday .

8:21 PM em 0 Comments

This manic monday is inspired by, "What was the best gift you have received?" These next few items may seem a little strange to others but are actually the best gifts I've revived. None of which were extremely expensive, but more so have a lot of sentimental value (and sentimental value is what i'm all about). So i am here to share with you the simple, kind gestures given to me.


Andy's doll Woody from Toy Story, this doll was given to me when I was a wee lad from an Aunt who is now deceased. As a child, I was in absolute love with Toy Story, so my Aunt (Alva) gave me this doll as well as signed my name on the shoe to indicate I was also the owner of Woody. It basically means a lot because 1. My aunt died and she was my fav aunt, like the lady was great OK. and  2. I've had it for a really long time.

To Kill a Mockingbird, as a little book worm, books are never a bad gift, BUT this book right here is probably my absolute fav (on a list of other absolute favorite books because who really has one book that is their fav???) anyway, this book was given to me by my darling cousin. This just means a lot because I really just love this novel and the message within it but also this book has given me quality time spent with great discussion with Genn + two of my fav English teachers.

and last but surely not least, the most cherished gift I probably own. My Bible. This is the best story too, okay ready. In 2013 during summer camp my friends and I (Noah, Emily, Robert, Zech, Zach Angela, and some others) were in Lake Arrowhead inside one of their book stores and I was browsing and stumbled upon this Bible (and mind you I was looking for a new one because yanno my old one was jacked up) It fit the description that I was exactly looking for BUT, I DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY. So disappointed, I walked away and tried to pretended I didn't just see the most perfect bible ever. Long story short my little Havasu Crew squabbled up their money together for me and bought it! Baffled and surprised, i cried (of course cause i'm always crying and sappy and emotional) following the purchase i asked them to sign it. I honestly treasure this and the story that comes along with it.

once again, if you've made it this far down to the end, thank you
xoxo .


Cherish It .

4:58 PM em 0 Comments

     Today's post is inspired by friends. I am  learning the significance of friendship, I do believe that there are different levels of friendship. The concept of friendship,  I  am also learning, is a different interpretation from anothers perspective. Overall, we find companionship to fill the void of loneliness, and maybe to make us laugh a little. All these cheesy sayings are leading up to something, I promise.
     I am trying this new thing this year where I cherish the moments I am in, live in the current second, appreciate the smallest gestures, and give over flowing love.(you can say this is my new years resolution, yes, but more so a "life goal") I am a firm believer that their is "good" in every person, but a "good" friend(s) is rare. So with all this said, this blog post is dedicated to my friends, for being true diamonds and not cubic zirconias!

Thank you for all the times you've made me laugh, and telling me I was wrong when i really just wanted to be right.


my boys,i am extremely thankful + blessed to have them in my life, they make me laugh, OH MAN do they make me laugh. Their kind hearts are all i can ask for.

{Havasu Crew}, These people have known me for about 5 years. They keep me rooted and grounded as well as accountable. Their love(s) are like an ocean. Now that i have moved i have learned the value of their friendship and seeing them when i can is greater than a pleasure.




My best(est) gal pal, little miss Emily. This is probably the greatest person on the planet, actually i'm pretty sure of it. I can honestly go on forever about how loving, compassionate, pure, FUNNY, open-minded, and all of the rest of the worlds good adjectives to describe a person are about her. This girl has been the truest friend and I am honestly not good enough to be her friend, she keeps me level and I can rely on her for anything, I know she wont steer me the wrong way, and as I am typing this tears are forming because I know people this sweet don't exist and i am not sure how I, MYSELF, managed to stumble upon this rarest form of a person.

if you have made it to the end, thank you for letting me pour out a bit of myself while being extremely cheesy.
xoxo .