T I P Thursdays !
H O N E Y! We all know honey is a sweet substance to add to your fav treats like coffee, teas and even toast. But did you know that honey is waaaaaaaaaaaaay more efficient than just a topping! Honey is a raw natural product that is used for plenty of natural remedies and healings, so take a loook at today's post and see a few more of the useful things this snazzy natural product can be used for1. NATURAL medicine .
Honey can be used to help the immune system when it is down. Even when you are feeling just fine, honey can be used to help fight bacteria and those nasty monsters trying to attack your immune system. By just taking one spoon of honey a day can help!
2. NATURAL sore + cut healers .
If you add honey to burns, open sores, cold sores, and cuts it heals them better than any lotions or scare removers. Not only does it help with the bacteria but it helps sooth the skin and heels the skin as well.
3. NATURAL pimple and acne healers .
Adding cinnamon + honey and mixing that together or adding lemon juice + honey helps clear skin gets in your pores and opens them as well as heal acne scares!
....and finally
4. NATURAL hair products
adding honey and your conditioner of choice helps make hair softer, strengthens and prevent split ends and helps your hair grow. Other honey and hair remedies include coconut milk + honey or cocnut oil and honey. Leave those in for 30 minutes or so and it deep conditions your hair leaving it softer and more manageable.
I hope these remedies help!
xoxo -Em