TIP THURSDAY [ with love ]

3:25 PM em 0 Comments

V A L E N T I N E S D A Y 

today's tip well is just about being kind and loving. since tomorrow is valentines day i thought i'd just share some loving words.

  just because you don't have a "special someone" this valentines day doesn't mean its a pointless holiday. do something kind for a friends or EVEN A RANDOM PERSON. hey! even challenge yourself love someone you hate or haven't forgiven. even if they don't return the favor its something nice. 

  if you're short on change make something DIY's are always great [check out last weeks DIY Wednesday on some ideas ] or give someone a hug or smile. I like to think the little things mean just as much.

  remember to love whomever is out there this valentines day regardless. ANYWAY I LOVE ALL OF YOU AND I HOPE YOU FIND SOMETHING NICE TO DO AND SAY! 

xoxo -Em


vintage TUESDAY .

10:21 AM em 0 Comments

hey so today will be some neat pics of Frida Kahlo + her work. Shes hoestly one of my favorite artist for so many reasons. her Art is so vivid and her use of color is surprb ! She was also a very VERY interesting women

And recently purcha$ed Frida Kahlo socks!


on the side note . //

10:44 PM em 0 Comments

hey! so this lovely evening I was lucky enough to spend time with a few special folks + some random, kind city dwellers. City walk was tons of fun and I spent money I didn't need to basically. I'd like to share the grand ol time I had with you guys so here we go (blurry lights + low quality iPhone fotos, sorry y'all)

Special shout out to Marissa, happy 
birthday darling thank you for letting me be apart of your special day 2.8.14
-cherish the moments with the people you have around creating laughs, smiles + memories.
xoxo -Em